Club weekend 8-10 February 2019 Pen Ceunant Uchaf Hut, Llanberis

Bill reports that there were 9 club members on the weekend who arrived at various times.

It was a tad wet and windy on the Friday and Bill and Brian’s early start meant they arrived in time for a longish walk, but the high wind and rain put paid to plan A, plan B was thwarted by a flooded river path and plan C was blocked by a farmers fence, so at 4ish they gave up and went to the hut. The main core of the other members did not get a walk in on Friday but arrived early evening after a bit of retail therapy en route.

Saturday started off wet and windy, so the club members split into 3 odd groups, and headed off in various directions, with some walking around the local lake. However, all groups did end up ascending at least part way up Snowdon – why not as it was on the doorstep! – and despite the ice, snow and biting wind there was still a queue to get to the trig point as you can see in the photo. Don’t these people have anything better to do in bad weather! After their walks various members joined the founder member in the Royal Victoria Hotel for a few beers and to cheer on Italy – quietly – [speak for yourself! Wales is my 2nd favourite team – ed] in the rugby.

Sunday started off windy and wet and there was an unfounded rumour that one member may be seriously ill as he was still in his bunk when the other members, in two separate groups, left for their walks at 9.30-9.45ish. I understand he is now fully recovered! The Sunday walks were around the lake and quarry for one group and up and around the Moel Eilio ridge for the other, both groups arriving back at the hut about 3ish before tidying up and heading home.

It should also be mentioned that there were two “cook-ins”. A superb spag bog on the Friday night and a not so bad [do I detect authorial bias here? Both were excellent – ed] Mexican chicken dish with assorted veg and noodles on the Saturday.

In all a most enjoyable weekend- despite some iffy weather.PS thanks to Paul and Robert for their photos which can be seen here