Day walk on Ranmore

7 club members joined Dave E at the West Hanger car park on Wednesday 20th March 2024 for a 9 ½ mile walk on the north downs. It was also the first day of spring, and the warmest day this year so far… 18c! We made our way through some farms to the Effingham Forest and then on toThe Sheep Walk, a track on Ranmore. There we able to stop and admire the bridges built by Lord Lovelace back in the day to transport timber from his land.

The going got tough, as this is an area popular with off- road vehicles and bikes – and as we’ve had an enormous amount of rain lately the area was quite a mud fest . But we battled through and then joined the North Downs Way to head back west  to Netley Heath and the car park. Whereupon Dave admitted that he was glad that he hadn’t recce’d the walk, as the amount of mud may have put him off !

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